Refund Policy
We do not offer refunds on enrollment fees and tuition on the following
Unsatisfactory progress
Unexcused absences
Leave of Absence Policy
Includes all and any reason to have to excuse yourself from the program
We strive to work with you through any position with respect to conditions and circumstances to help you finish and get licensed
Students who find it necessary to temporarily interrupt their program, may take a leave of absence (LOA). The LOA policy applies to all students. LOA refers to a specific time during the program when a student is not in attendance. A student may request a LOA for personal, medical, or unforeseen circumstances.
All Requests for LOA’s must be submitted in advance in writing, including the reason for the student’s request, and include the student signature
The school may grant a LOA to a student who could not provide the request in advance due to unforeseen circumstances. The school must document the reason for its decision and collect the request from the student on a later date. The school establishes the start date of the LOA as the first date the student was unable to attend.
The student must follow the school's leave of absence policy when requesting a LOA. The school has the right to approve or deny the student's request.
A student on a LOA is not considered to have withdrawn and no refund calculation is required at that time.
The total number of days of all LOAs may never exceed 7 days in any 8-week period. The 7-day period begins on the first day of the student's initial leave.
The school may not assess the student any additional charges because of the LOA.
There must be a reasonable expectation that the student will return from the LOA.
A student returning from a LOA will return to the school in the same satisfactory progress status as prior to theirr departure.
The academy must extend the student's maximum time frame and the contract period by the same number of days taken in the LOA. Changes to the contract period on the enrollment agreement must be initialed by all parties or an addendum must be signed and dated by all parties.
If the student does not return to school at the expiration of the LOA they will be dropped.
There are no refunds.
Longer LOA's are case by case the academy has the final decision